Residue Transportation

Aware of our environmental responsibility and constantly working to reduce our carbon footprint, TIBA, Lda. is registered with APA - Associação Portuguesa para o Ambiente, under the registration number APA00103888, which allows for residue transportation, both domestic and internationally.

What is the Carbon Footprint?
The excessive use of natural resources and reckless consumerism, resulting in a big amount of waste generated, are a characteristic of modern society and the cause for environmental degradation, as humans still fail in successfully interacting with the Biosphere.Upon reflexion about the way these footprints we leave keep growing and how to measure them, William Rees and Mathis Wackernagel developed, in 1996, the Carbon Footprint concept. This was created to help us understand the amount of natural resources used to support our lifestyle. This includes where we live, the furniture we own, the clothes we wear, the transportation we use, what we eat, how we occupy our leisure times and the products we buy, amongst others.

The Carbon Footprint is not designed to act as an exact measuring tool, but more of an estimate of the impact of our lifestyle on the Planet, allowing to evaluate to what extent our way of living affects it’s capacity of delivering and renewing it’s natural resources, as well as absorb the waste and pollution we generate.

The Carbon Footprint implies the notion that we share our space with other human beings, as well as a generational compromise or “the ability to hand the planet over to the next generation with as many resources as we found it”.
(Brundtland report)

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